Project Home Page

The project home page displays high-level course elements and offers access to different content and tools. Users' assigned role in a project determines their view of the project home page.
Project Home Page
Course title, description, and a tally of high-level course elements
The Project Home page allows users to:
- Update project title.
- Add a description to the project.
- Update course banner image.
- Note the number of blueprints and learning objectives.
- Quickly access existing blueprints from the home page.
The Project Menu
The Smart Author Project Menu, located on the left side of the page, is always available from any location while in Smart Author:
Note: Publish appears only if it has been enabled for your publisher account, and will only be seen by Customer or Group Administrators.
Other Project Menu features are:
All versions of different project content organizations in the project (e.g., Biology for Majors, Biology for Non-majors) |
Content |
Learning Objectives |
Images labeled, appended with accessibility information, and catalogued. |
Activities, question pools, adaptive assignments, process assignments, hand-in assignments, rubrics |
Collection of all comments left by team members and end users (role-dependent) |
Review |
Create and access Readiness Reports |
The User Menu and Banner
Users can navigate to other areas of the Acrobatiq ecosystem, access account info, or change the project's banner image.
On the course home page, click the Profile icon at the top right to expose a drop-down menu to access your profile and other useful tools.
Click the image icon in the top-right corner of the banner to change the background banner. Recommended banner size is width 1600 px, height 234 px. Depending on the image, other sizes may also work.
Project Home Page by Role
The user's assigned role in a project determines the user's view of the project home page.
Customer and Group Administrator View
The Customer and Group Administrador project home page includes links to content and tools to author and manage a project. The page includes the project menu in the blue column on the left, the navigation bar at the top of the page, and the main panel (labeled "Project home page" below) comprising the remainder of the page.
Author View
The Author Project Home page includes the project menu in the blue column on the left and is able to edit project title, description and banner from the Project Home page; but is not able to access Project Settings.
Project Settings (Customer and Group Administrators Only)
Settings button: Access to the Project Settings panel. This allows you to customize project settings such as language, software integrations, learning model, and assessment naming conventions.