Creating and Managing a Glossary

The Dynamic Glossary is an optional tool. It lists any terms with definitions that an author includes. It also permits users to find the first reference in the course to the glossary term. 

A glossary covers an entire project and all its blueprints. If a term doesn't appear in a course generated by a blueprint, it will not appear in that course's glossary.


Project Settings

To make the glossary available, a Customer Admin enables it in the Project Settings, available by clicking on the Settings button in the Project Home:



Project Settings: toggle dynamically generated glossary at the end of the course


Glossary Page Features

Authors can access the Glossary page for a project as follows


 Access the glossary list page from the Project Menu.

On this page, an author can:

  • Search: quickly locate terms within the table by searching for matches in the Term and Definition fields.
  • Download CSV Template: provides users with an empty template that can be downloaded for easy data input.
  • Upload CSV:​ quickly add multiple terms to the table by uploading a CSV file.​
  • Add Term: open a side panel for users to create new terms individually.​​
  • Overflow Menu: allows authors to edit or delete existing terms, as well as view where terms are being used.



Create Glossary Entries

To create a new glossary entry:

1. In the project menu, click Content and then Glossary.

2. Click on Add Term.

3. In the sidepanel, add the term and the definition.

4. Add an audio file if applicable. 

5. Click Save to add the term. 


Add a new term by clicking Add Term.


Note: You may also upload terms using a .csv file. You can download a CSV template file from the Glossary page.


Tag a Term

Terms will not be shown in the in-course Glossary page until they are tagged in a content page.

To tag a term:

1. Highlight the term.

2. Click the term icon.


3. If you have defined the term in the glossary, the definition will appear. If the term is not yet included in the glossary, fill in the pop-up window. Include the definition ("meaning") and an audio file if you wish.

4. Click Save.



In-Course Glossary

The Glossary page, if enabled, will be listed at the bottom of the Table of Contents and be visible to students.

The in-course Glossary lists all glossary terms that appear in the blueprint you are viewing. Clicking the term takes the user to the term's first appearance in the course.


Glossary Page visible in Table of Contents:




In-course Glossary page view:


The glossary page at the end of a course that is available for Students

