
Create a Rubric to be used with a hand-in assignment. You may use a rubric for a single assignment or for multiple assignments. Rubrics inform students how they will be graded on the assignment.
Hand-in Rubric list page: Feature Overview
The Hand-in Rubrics list page provides access and functionality related to all hand-in assignment rubrics in the current project.
Features include:
- Search Bar: find specific content in the rubrics table based on matches with Title, Rubric ID, Date Created, Date Updated, and Updated By fields.
- Add Hand-in Rubric button: enables the users to create a new rubric in the project.
- Overflow menu: edit, preview or delete existing rubrics in the project.
Create a New Rubric
1. On the left-side menu, click Assessments and select Hand-in Rubrics.
New Rubric Link
1. Click on the Add Hand-in Rubric button
2. Enter a Hand-in Rubric Title.
3. Click on Save.
Add Content
1. Name Rubric Part.
2. Add Instructions.
3. Select Grading Criteria from drop-down menu.
4. Click Save.
Rubric Parts
By default, the rubric will have one part worth 100% of the grade.
Default Scoring:
If you add additional parts, you can weight the parts equally (the default) or you can set the rubric so that each part carries a different weight.
Editing Part Scoring: