
Adding Video
You can add video to pages in two ways:
1. In an embedded player: If a video is under 100mb, you can added it to the Media Manager.
2. As a link to external content: If a video is hosted by an external resource such as YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, or Khan Academy, you can use the video URL.
Each of these options employs the Video section type. Some videos are hosted in an institutional repository or other resource that requires authentication to access the videos, such as If authentication is required, refer to the article on the external content section type.
The Video Section Type
To use the Video section type:
1. On the course blueprint, click + Add Section.
2. Choose Video, and then click Add to Page.
A video content section includes an optional title, an optional description, and a choice of adding an Acrobatiq-hosted video or a video hosted by a video streaming service such as YouTube or Vimeo.
1. If you choose Click to select a video, you can add a video from the Media Manager or upload a new video file.
Note: The file size limit for the Media Manager is 100 mb. For files over 100 mb, use option 2 (described below) to paste in a link to a video hosted in an open-access site.
Use the Click to select a video tool to add a video to the Media Manager (100 mb size limit) or to select a video already located in the Media Manager.
2. For files hosted by a video-streaming service and set for public viewing, paste in the URL and then click the camera icon.
The video will appear inline on the Smart Author page.
Note: Only the video from the hosted page appears; none of the other page content is present, such as comments or social media sharing tools.
Sample Embedded Video
Videos appear inline.