Question Overview and Development

Questions in Acrobatiq

A set of question types is available in nearly all activities and assessments, from formative activities to quizzes or tests. All question types provide a fill-in template that you can customize on a question-by-question basis. This module explains each question type individually. 

Best Practices

When authoring questions, keep the following suggestions in mind:

  • Pay particular attention to verbs used in the learning objectives (LOs).
  • Use a variety of question types.
  • Keep within scope of LO and content. The content of each page (or content previously covered in the course) should support every activity on that page.
  • Use examples similar to those within the text, but generally speaking don’t use the same exact examples.
  • Do not combine concepts if they are not combined in the text.
  • Use multi-select instead of “A and B” as an answer choice.
  • Use “all of the above” and “none of the above” purposefully.


Incorporate Visual Elements

Use visual elements in activities if understanding and labeling visual elements are part of the learning objective or skill.

In the following example, students are asked to label an image via a drag and drop activity:



Clarify Directions

Include clear directions where needed, especially for more complex activity types, as follows:



Write Distractors

When writing distractors for questions, consider the following:

  • Distractors should be relevant and realistic.
  • Distractors should be parallel.
  • Distractors should address any and all misconceptions.
  • Distractors should be comprehensive.
  • Write distractors with feedback in mind.
  • Avoid reusing the same exact wording in the question stem and answer choices.