Multiple Choice

Multiple-choice questions are the most common activity type. In a multiple-choice question, there is only one correct answer in a list of answer choices. Answer choices are usually presented in list form, but due to automatic sizing, they sometimes render side by side.

Some things to keep in mind about multiple-choice questions:

  • Students select one correct answer from a list.
  • You can use this format for True/False questions.

Multiple-choice questions support the following media types as content, questions, answer choices, feedback, and hints: Text, Images, Audio, and Video.


Tips for Writing Multiple-Choice Questions

1. There should be a minimum of two answer choices, but the recommendation is four answer choices. 

2. Hints should be related to the question.

3. Avoid “all of the above” and “none of the above” as answer choices. If you decide to use these answer choices, be sure to deselect Shuffle answers so that those choices remain anchored at the bottom.

4. For any given question, think about how many distractors to include. Try to include as many misconceptions as are relevant, and be comprehensive. Distractors should be relevant, realistic (not contrived), and parallel.

5. All distractors should be approximately the same length.


Build a Multiple-Choice Question

Go to Assessments and click on Activities. on the Add Assessment dropdown, choose the assignment type, name the assessment, and click Save.

On the activity page, select + Add Content or Question, click + Add Question, and then Multiple Choice.

Note: Alternatively, you can add this activity to an existing page, by clicking on + Add section, and selecting Formative Activity.



To preview your new activity, click on the preview page button at the right of the editor. Now you can review your multiple choice question.

