The Getting Ready Module
Getting Ready is an adaptive module that tests students on their knowledge of a topic. It contains an adaptive Getting Ready Check assessment that delivers a series of questions against learning objectives based on the student's performance. After a student completes the assessment, the system may provide the student with additional pages of instructional material depending on his or her performance against the learning objectives addressed in the assessment.
Student Experience
You might choose to have students encounter a Getting Ready module either once at the beginning of the course or before the start of some or all units. Getting Ready appears as the first module within the unit. When students click on this module, the system takes them to a page where they can start the assessment. If students click on the module navigation menu, they will see only the single page for the assessment and no other pages.
Students receive one question at a time within the assessment, and they answer questions one learning objective at a time. If they prove to the system that they have mastered the learning objective, they move on to the next learning objective, and so on until the assessment is finished. Students do not receive feedback for any of these questions. This assessment is intended to gauge student mastery only and does not serve as a teaching opportunity. Students cannot go back and try to improve their outcome.
After students have completed the assessment, the platform will notify them of any topics for which they will be given content. Students receive additional pages of content only for the learning objectives with which they struggled in the assessment. Those pages now appear in the student's module navigation menu. Students can review those pages and practice with formative questions to help prepare them for the course content.
Measuring Mastery
The Acrobatiq platform requires a minimum of ten questions* per learning objective to determine mastery of the topic. With ten questions, the student moves to the next learning objective after two incorrect answers but has to answer seven more questions correctly than incorrectly to prove mastery. Additional information:
With ten questions, students who get two incorrect answers against each learning objective will experience the shortest assessment and will receive additional pages of content to review for that learning objective.
Students who do know the material need to answer more questions to prove their mastery of the topic, but as soon as they reach seven more correct than incorrect answers, they move on to the next learning objective and will not receive any additional content to work through on that topic. While the number of questions to prove mastery is fairly high, students who understand the concept will likely find the questions easier and work through them more quickly.
The students who receive the longest assessment answer some questions correctly and some incorrectly. The system needs to feed questions to the students until one of the thresholds is met—hence the minimum requirement of ten questions per learning objective.
You (or another subject matter expert) need to create pages of remedial content for each learning objective. These pages should include both explanatory content and formative activities for students to practice and improve their mastery of the learning objective. At least ten questions in the formative activities per learning objective are needed to help students learn the content and for the activities to best inform the platform on student progress towards mastery.
*If more than ten questions per learning objective are authored, the mastery ratio will adjust so that mastery is still proven with seven more correct answers than incorrect. For example, if there are 11 questions for a learning objective, students will need to get three incorrect answers in order to move to the next objective. As soon as that threshold is reached, the best they could do would be 3 incorrect and 8 correct, which is not enough to prove mastery.
Note: The Prerequisite content type needs to be enabled prior to working with Getting Ready assessments and content.
No Grading in Getting Ready
None of the content in Getting Ready is graded. Getting Ready is only for the student’s benefit; this benefit is provided via instruction delivered upon submission of the assessment. Completion of the assessment, however, does appear in the Gradebook, and performance on the learning objectives appears on the Learning Dashboard.