Student Assessment Reports

You can access the Student Assessment Report by clicking the icon next to a graded item in the Gradebook:


Note: For more information on student data and performance against specific learning objectives, see the section on the Learning Dashboard.


Understanding the Student Assessment Report

Student assessment reports provide valuable feedback regarding class performance on specific items. The top of the report provides information regarding the number of students who have completed the activity and the percentage correct.

The next section of the report highlights the questions on which students made the most mistakes. The report highlights the question number, the number of students who completed the specific question, and the percentage of correct answers.



The last section of the report details how a class performed on each question within the assessment. There, you can see how your class answered specific questions. The detail also shows the number of students who selected each answer choice. This information can be particularly helpful when you are trying to identify content on which your class needs clarification.




Note: You may want to review an assessment's most frequently missed questions prior to an instructional session. The Student Assessment Report provides insight on key topics you might want to review with your class. Review how students answered the questions and look for trends in the answers selected. Create activities or discussions geared toward reframing students' thinking and helping them develop a deeper understanding of the content.
