ST352 Continuing Students

If you took ST351 Introduction to Statistical Methods using Acrobatiq, you are eligible for enrollment int ST352 Introduction to Statistical Methods without an additional fee.
To enroll in ST352 without an additional fee, you must first enroll in the correct section of the course through Canvas and choose the "Pay Later" option rather than using a redemption code using these steps:
- Access your course from your Canvas course home page at
- Select your ST352 course section
- Select the Start Here button on the home page
- Select Activate Course Materials
- If prompted, select Authorize
- Select Pay later:
Once you have completed steps 1-6, use this link: to request an "Access or Redemption Code" for ST 352. If you do not complete this form your enrollment will expire after 17 days. Your request will be processed within 10 business days. If you do not complete this form your enrollment will expire after 17 days.
- Fill in your email and full name.
- In the Subject line, type ST352 Continuing Student.
- In Request Details state that your are Continuing from ST351 to ST352
- Enter school name Oregon State University