Summative Assessments: Checkpoints & Quizzes

Understanding Summative Assessments
Summative assessments are assessments that are graded based on performance. There are two types of summative assessments:
1. Checkpoints. Most modules have multiple checkpoints. They are short assessments with only a handful of questions that target the key concepts that students have just learned.
2. Quizzes. The last page of every module contains a single module quiz. This quiz is comprehensive and covers all learning objectives in the module.
The Answer Key
An Answer Key is available to instructors for quizzes and checkpoints. It provides you with a view of all questions in the assessment, with all of the answers and feedback exposed. Checkpoints and quizzes have multiple iterations, so you will see all question sets available, even if students are not exposed to all questions in a single attempt. The Answer Key therefore allows you to review the content without having to click through all the questions.